Tuesday, March 26, 2013

X-Pole Presents - Michigan Dance & Air Festival

This past weekend I had a blast spending time with my pole peeps at The Michigan Dance & Air festival.

The workshops were great, the showcase and competition were amazing, and I met some wonderful people involved in the pole community.

Seriously BRAV-FRICKIN -O to those of you who put on this event and made it fab. Miss Charley Crystal  you are awesome.

The classes I chose to take were with Karol and David. Originally the workshops I signed up to take with Karol were supposed to be with Leigh Ann Reilly. She was unable to attend for whatever reason so Karol stepped in/was asked to fill in for her. 

Karol Helms is dear to me because she, Leigh Ann, Alethea, and Felix are the ones who got me inspired to start pole. You Tube videos were/are my secret obsession and have been since 2007. It wasn't till 2011 that I actually took a class, but by that point I was already well aware of the typical pole lingo and list of pros.

I personally learn most from watching, and if it wasn't for these ladies posting their accomplishments, fails, and tutorials I would not have found such a powerful form of expression. So I just wanted to say (If any of these women read this blog by some chance).... Thank You. Thank you for not giving a shit about what others thought at the time and posting the videos to share with the world.

I can now proudly say up to this point in my pole career, I have had the chance to take classes with....
(click on the name and it will take you to their page and or bio)

Hes so flexy it blows my mind.
Also, this is my first pic with a pole pro that doesn't make me look like a damn giant.

check out the video below I took of his awesomeness in Michigan.

Still Miss Sexy to me.

This one below is from Midwest 2012.  I have an Issue asking people for pics with me because I feel like its  gotta be annoying to somebody that gets asked that question all the time. I forgot to ask her for a pic  in Michigan but Im sure Ill see her again at Midwest.

Heres the video I took of her fierce little self in  Michigan.

Estee Zakar
Her abs are insane just like her warm-ups. Took this workshop with her at the Great Midwest Pole Dance Comp/Convention last year.

Owner of the new Chrome Bar in Tennessee.

I feel like I know these people even before I meet them being that I have been taking lessons from their videos for so long. So It makes it super hard when you actually meet them in real life to know that they have no clue who the hell you are. I can say "I watch your videos!" or something along those lines. I feel like that statement could translate to them as " im a creepy stalker". So just know im not...or am I. MUAHHH HA HA HA.

Someday I hope to have somebody come up to me and say the same.I wont stop trying until I get there. One year down many to go.

Heres a few  pics /videos from the past weekend.

This was sick!

Thank you David for helping me clean up my lines!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bad Kitty Brazil Pole Fit shorts.
I take donations size Medium please...lol

My most recent pole inspiration 
This Petite ball of fire can do some amazing things with a cube.

She is STUNING. Check out her blog !

She was put on the spot to demonstrate how to do a booty pop. NAILED IT!

My friends from Indiana along with our modern day burlesque queen.
Please notice Teresa's got Michelle's bra strap in her mouth......love these ladies.

Charley,myself ,and the one and only Joel Lessig

aka: Caelma Duffy
This brought me to tears.
Gorgeous and powerful

Needless to say after taking those workshops I mentioned earlier my body now looks like it was attacked by a pack of angry wolves . that just so happened to be carrying baseball bats.

My next adventure will be at the Venus Pole Festival in Merrillville Indiana April 27th and 28th.
Nadia,Aerial Amy ,and Kelly Yvonne will be offering workshops! YEAHHHH!

Here is the Link. See you there!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Happy Sunday!
If you all remember a while back last year I was going to enter a pole competition and I chickened out. Ring a bell?  If not click below.

yep im a coward

I decided this year I was going to face my fears and just submit being that the semi finals are being held at my home studio Studio Venus  . We are holding the elite division semi finals and I am NOT elite...however I figured I had nothing to loose other than my dignity.

Long behold after submitting this garbage video of huge mistakes and awkwardness...


I know its hard to believe after seeing the train wreck of a video so here is the link to the competition page.  My name is right there at the bottom for proof....
Venus Pole Festival elite competitors

I am going into this knowing I will not win and honestly its not even possible. I just dont wanna look like an ass hole compared to the awesome ( deserving ) competitors.The mandatory compulsory moves were there in my video so im guessing thats the only reason I made it. Or maybe its like American Idol where they purposely put through the worst singers to go in front of the judges for a laugh?
 Anyway I am pumped to meet these amazing women and to take some workshops with Nadia Sharif, Aerial Amy, and Kelly Yvonne.

Hey..whats the worst thing that can happen right??

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hells Yeah!

Ok most of you know I am a huge fan of Cleo so it should be no surprise that I am PUMPED about this! I also was told by Cleo herself (on facebook )she will be in the US this summer and thats even better!

FINALLY! Some new hot pole wear. I cant wait to get my hands on some of these!
Cleo has been busy as FUCK  hell!
Its hard to find stuff thats not the typical black shorts and sports bra.

( Save me a pair of mediums ok people? ) 

I will be adding this to my collection as well!
check out the video below.

I cant wait!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Injury Pity Party

Ouch right? Imagine how life would be like if this could happen just from turning a corner while walking in your house. Well no need...this has happened 4 times to me over the past week.

The picture above shows a very painful condition that I unfortunately have apparently due to being skinny and being born this way.
The past few weeks it has been acting up and I have done nothing pole related since January 6th. I cant handle it.

This is how my wine dependency started it went down...

January 6th life was good. I submitted my video to the online round for the  Midwest Regional elite division pole competition. Im not thrilled with it however it has the compulsory moves required and at least I had the balls  courage this time to submit a video.

And here starts the pitty party that I typically keep to my self but, for the the love of god I have to get this off my chest!

The next day I woke up and it was instantly like my body had aged 50 years.
I knew this was not my typical after workout soreness...this was something much worse. So I went to my Dr and long story short I have to gain more muscle in my legs to help stabilize my knee caps. I lost alot of muscle mass the past year that I have been doing pole because I have not used any weights just my own body. I thought being lean was great however gaining  weight was suggested by my Dr to help with joint support .Ill start weight lifting again soon as my knees are not quite as painful.Maybe physical therapy and plenty of ice/heat will help as well.

  So in conclusion my knee caps have all the sudden decided to make my life hell and are apparently trying to talk my hips into becoming a part of their plan to put me 6 feet under as they too are now aching for no reason. .

Oh on a semi-positive note my 45 mm chrome x-pert X pole came in the mail.!!!
Its perfect! 
 However I cannot use it due to fear of my knee popping out and passing out due to the pain.So I just sit and look at it, cry into my glass of wine, and hope that its all a bad dream.

I think I may try knitting,chess,or get a rascal scooter to make my quality of life better.

OK OK...
 I know its not the the end of the world but seriously its painful and not fair.
Stretching hurts, I have no internet at home, I cant use my pole, and Im sooo sad.

#1. I have been wearing lotion every day because there is now no fear that I will slip off the pole. and fall 9 feet to my death.
#2. I can get a cane and use it as a weapon.
#3. Its a good reason to buy a good pair of gym shoes for work with better support. I love shoes.

I have alot of topics I want to cover and will soon as I have internet at home. thanks for listening to me whine my ass off. wahh

<3 linz

thanks raccoon.