Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Ah yes Happy Movember! Yes I said Movember not November.
Here is the link below.

I had no clue until my female soul mate friend Ann told me about it.Cancer is a bitch sucks so click below to donate.

Get involved!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election day sale!

Its election day 2012! My vote is in and I hope yours is too.

I seriously hope not....

 I found a great sale going on for pole fitness wear in honor of election day. I LOVE this brand!

Zweet sport has a great selection of awesome pole fitness stuff. I love their Jaco Combo shorts Medium weight. I wear a size 4-6 and a size medium is perfect. 
Coupon code is : ELECTIONDAY2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Happy Sunday!
Ok so I know I promised a video in my last blog entry but I lied.  I was never able to make it happen. I was going to put together a video similar to those " shit people say" videos on you tube that involves pole but,
life got in the way a bit. Awkward silence, disapointed sigh, eye roll etc......

The title of this post is "Progress" however its not pole related. Please refer back to my first entry and you will see this blog is about pole, barrel racing, and my house progress. So here are a few photos I have taken from April 2012 to present of our new come construction. We started building our 2500 sq foot ranch with full basement in April 2012 and are hoping to be in end of this month.So that means we will be in in sometime in December because anything a contractor tells you regarding a time frame is a dirty lie. Add at least a week to whatever they tell you.  This comes to mind...

I wish you weren't a liar! Will Ferrell on SNL was pure genius.

The picture above was taken about the end of 4/12.  I was hoping to just fill  the hole with water and make a swimming pool but my husband thought putting a house there would be more practical better.

beginning of May...ish..yep Mayish.

Fast forward to end of May. 

Me by the soon to be fireplace. Sweet scrubs

Spare bedroom walls 6/12

Fast forward to June. This is the back of the house. Its much larger than the front being that our house is curved.

End of June/July

Exterior color for the house was by far the hardest decision to make. We went with LP Smartside. It took be 2 weeks to narrow it down to 2 colors. The color we chose looks green/grey/or tan depending on the lighting.

Anderson windows and front of the house 

 Unstained front door ( Therma Tru )

Part of the back of the house

stone in the front 8/12

stone on the back porch pillars.The pillars will be wrapped in  a white aluminium column.

view of front yard 9/12

living room 9/12

entry/staircase 9/12

 This is part of the whole house speaker system. This was the hubbys idea along with the whole house vacuum system

Ah yes our hardwood. After being sent 100 boxes of the wrong stuff we had to wait an extra 2 weeks for the right stuff to be shipped from California.Its Ark brand Maple woo. The color is Kahlua. 


stairs going in

garage door

Island 11-2-12

 This is part of  the kitchen.We went with Kraftmaid cabinets in white. the Island is dark for some contrast.Hardwood was a no brainier in the kitchen being that it is wayyyyy cheaper than our tile and im cheap something that can be refinished.

These are our Faucets for the bathrooms. Delta Dryden.

More to come! Feel free to ask any questions about materials so far.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aysha...you are sooo mine!

 With a little help from Karol Helms the Aysha is finally mine.

Yes after countless hours of swearing, tantrums, whining, stretching, and video stalking attempts it was a simple hand placement adjustment and BAM there you have it.
Its also way cool that my first one was taught to me and was in the presence of the pro that gives me the most inspiration.

So here is how it all went down...The convention had a pole jam in the afternoon so I decided to go and meet some new people. I had no idea how many awesome ladies would be in there.Some from Michigan,Wisconsin,LA,Illinois,Kentucky etc. Along with the awesome ladies I met, Karol Helms and Michelle Mynx were also in there doing pole and helped baby polers such as myself.

Both of these women were kind, patient, and full of knowledge.The best part is that they were willing to share. So in a way I got an extra 2 hour workshop for free...heck yeah!

I LOVE NEW FACES AND FRIENDS! Networking is vital!

This was right after my Advanced tricks class. And yep thats Estee Zakar. If you have been living under a rock and dont know who that is, here is a video of her crazy strong self.

I learned amazing stretches, that im severly out of shape  spins and strength training. My stretching routine will never be the same. She is an absolutely stunning and gracious teacher .

Here are some more pictures from the best day ever!!! my Saturday in Tinley park..

This is the other Lindsey...Lindsey Kimura of Be Spun in LA. Such a sweetie! OH! and check out that new X-Pole 40 mm!

This is my group of friends from Studio Venus that were able to attend the convention. My instructor Karen was there with us as well that day but I didnt catch her in the pic. That is Alex, Teresa, Jennifer and myself..note the new Alethea Austin shirt im sporting!

Speaking of Alethea Austin...I did not get the chance to talk to her again because I didnt wanna be "that guy". "Those guys" are the chicks that run up to these girls and dont leave them alone while they are trying to talk to somebody else and are super rude. I guess its easy to get carried away but some girls I saw had no filter ,but I suppose when your a pro it comes with the tittle.Some of the "big girls" as I call them were cool about it and some you could tell were like ughhh not again!
I also did not get the chance to talk to leigh Ann Reilly.

This is Amy Guion and myself. Another awesome pro.

Some Majestical Pole bites for ya!


knee..how the heck did I do this one??

The Great Midwest Pole competition and Convention was a success, despite a few super minor glitches that are expected it was a complete success. I will be buying the weekend VIP pass for 2013. Thanks to all who made this happen!

My next blog is going to be something different...may or may not be a video..brace yourself! :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Midwest Pole Competition

Yep thats me up there

Its going on August 24th- 25th in Tinley Park, IL. 

Yes, it's the competition I was too chicken shit to enter was going try out for back a few months ago. I decided I didn't fit into any category other than the awesome category and that was not an option.

 I am not a beginner but I cant say I am advanced yet either. I am that awkward kid between middle school and highschool all over again. You know...too "cool" to hang out and chill with the middle school kids (beginners) and too young to be accepted by the highschool kids.( super amazing pro's...ahem Cleo the Hurricane)

I cant possibly be the only one in this awkward place in my pole journey.
If I had to guess Alethea Austin and Karol Helms (the only two pros whom I have met in person) MUST have gone through this right? 

So I did some research trolling on you tube and hoping for comments back from these two awesome magical beings and sure enough they were not born with their pole super powers. They earned them the old fashioned way through practice,trial and error, Jack Daniels,Bud Light,Tylenol and or a good amount of inner drive and inspiration.

I watched Alethea's oldest videos and found this one.

Then in 2008...

 Now 2012 ...

How awesome is her ass that! She is one of my main inspirations to Push Past the pain that comes along with pole.I took a class with her earlier this year and I wish it would have been 2 hours longer she was so great.

Karol had alot more old school videos on her page and she responded to my comment thanking her for not deleting the videos. She said " Its funny to look back and see how terrible I was"..for the love of god..this means that I am not alone!

Then in 2008...

The cat reminds me of one of one of Dirdy Birdy's videos of Minty or Billy getting in the way of the pole. If you didnt know shes the main attraction in Australia and is also a kind caring person and a voice for many animal charities.

Now in 2012..

I cant wont try to  change the thumbnail and I think You Tube does that on purpose, who isn't going to click on that last one? 
There is hope fellow pole chicks/ dudes.

Karol is a very strong individual who is also a fellow skinny person who sometimes gets  shitty ass comments from insecure broads on you tube  comments about her weight. Shes hot, thin, has alot of friends that can get their legs spread high enough to kick you in the face.Get over it.


Please 3 followers feel free to post comments about your experience so far on your pole journey.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to Glitter Your Heels

Happy 4th! I have recently read many posts on how to glitz up your old crappy heels and make them new again. I however have also noticed that some of the results look like a 1 year old  puked on your shoes and just so happened to eat a bottle of glitter before doing so could be better. So through trial and error I found the best way to fix up your dancing shoes and have fun doing it!
So lets start off with what supplies you will need.
Move over Martha.....
First a pair of shoes.
I have has these shoes for about 8 months and as you can see I have worn the chrome off of them.Many of us with chrome shoes get to this point and have to get new ones. How does Alethea Austin keep hers looking  awesome? My guess is she uses magic  has to buy new ones every few months. I wear shoes alot while at the studio because for me its easier to do floor work.
You will also need..
 These supplies cost me 30$ at Michaels however Im a dumbass I got the big bottle of the Mod Podge glue and probably could have gotten away with the smaller one. Same goes with the glitter.

  1. Mod Podge Sealant- make sure you get the gloss or super hi-shine.
  2. Mod Podge Glue- Be sure to get the gloss finish. It comes in a satin finish too.
  3. Glitter- I chose to go with super fine glitter. You can get the cheaper larger stuff but it wont go on as smooth. If I did this again id mix fine with the thicker glitter for a more diverse sparkle.
  4. Sand paper- 120 grit is good.
  5. Newspaper- to threaten your dog with  to lay out under all this.
  6. Tin foil- to line the container you mix the glue in.
  7. Paint brush- like this one below not foam ( foam will trap all the glitter) or any thick brush.
  8. Wine-Alot of it... I like Boonsfarm.. Ok I know its not really wine but the blue one is AWESOME! I also like moscato d'asti too.

Ok now that you have all the necessary items the lady at the craft store has asked you what your making,  you can now hesitate for 5 seconds..... unsure of how to explain your putting glitter on your sexy hooker heels 6 inch heels your ready to begin. 
Step by step day by day ...dayyy biii dayyyeeeya
  1. Sand down your shoes-Take the sandpaper and rough up your heels where you are putting the glitter. No need for this step if you are putting it on fabric. Dont go all crazy with it just rub it until you can feel that its not super smooth anymore.
  2. Wine-By the time you are finished sanding your heels you will probably think..what the hell did I just do to my shoes. This is where the wine comes in. Have yourself a glass and admire your ability to destroy a 30-150$ pair of heels.
  3. Glue-Line a cheapo container with tin foil. Doing this will make it so that your glue will not dry up between coats. Mine was good for 2 days. As long as you seal it up when your done its good to go. After you line the container with foil dump in some glue. By some I mean 1/2 cup. You shouldn't need more than that for the whole project.
  4. Glitter-Pour glitter in the glue like your mad at it. I dint measure but you want about as much glitter as glue however if its too thick and or gets chunky add more glue. Mix it all together gently in the container with the brush.
  5. Application-Start putting a thin coat of the glue/glitter mix on your shoes making sure to not put it on thick. If you do it thick you will end up with a clumpy mess.Cant rush perfection. It will look white and cloudy but I promise it dries clear so don't worry. Below is a picture after the second coat.
  1. Dry time-Let it dry for about 3 hours and repeat as many times as it takes for you to be happy with the result.
  2. Soft thin coats will look better than thick ones so take your time!
  3. Seal- not the cute ones..I mean the spray I told you to buy.Forget to buy it? Its ok, Put on 3 more coats of mod podge glue.If you did get sealer hold 10 inches from the shoe and in a back and forth motion spray light coat onto the areas you put the glitter. Don't go overboard or it will run or cause the finish to crack. Let dry 24 hours and...There you have it!

 These sparkle and shine in the light like no other. You well wear them down again in certain areas but a little more glitter and glue in a few months = problem solved.
I used 4 coats of glue over the span of 2 days and one application of the sealer. Enjoy and Let me know how this worked for you!

About me

Hello and welcome to my blog! 
I suppose Ill start off by giving you a little info about myself. My name is Lindsay and I currently live in Northwest Indiana with my husband. Currently we are  living in my mothers basement because we enjoy being  free loaders are currently building a house.I will be posting updates as we go along.
This is my husband Steve and I on our wedding day June 18th 2010. Sad to say but my husband hates looking at himself in these photos. He has lost 35 pounds since then and is still loosing more every week.If I had his determination Id be down about 10 pounds  but.... pizza is sexy my weakness.

I have 3 hobbies and passions in my life that will explain the title of my blog.
#1 Pole Fitness. No not taking clothes off and getting dollar bills. I'm talking about aerial art. Fitness orientated dance with a prop is how I think of it. Instead of a ball, ribbon or bars its a pole. Im lucky to have a supportive family and husband that understand that It requires alot of practice and time away. Whos husband wouldn't love it? I have tried crossfit, the gym, Yoga etc.. and ladies this by far is the most fun and rewarding form of fitness I have ever tired. The pole community is huge!
 More to come on this topic..
I go to Studio Venus in Merrillville Indiana

#2 Barrel racing is a timed Rodeo event. I have been racing for 17 years along with my mom.

#3 USPSA shooting is something my husband got me into. He is AWESOME! We have alot of fun doing this together and  there is never a dull moment.

All 3 of these things that I enjoy  sometimes result in bruises, sweat, blood, nail breakage, and burns.
I wear these injuries as badges of honor. To me they are gold metals for hard work and a reminder that not everything in life is easy and sacrifices need to be made in order to better yourself. These sacrifices can be time away from family, bruises, more or less hours at work, ugly nails, or just loosing some sleep at night .
 To me its worth it.
“All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort,and effort means work.”

This blog will include crafts, photos, DIY projects and updates on my life and hobbies.I will update weekly at least. Get ready for the next post about how to fix up your chrome dancing workout shoes.