With a little help from Karol Helms the Aysha is finally mine.
Yes after countless hours of swearing, tantrums, whining, stretching, and video stalking attempts it was a simple hand placement adjustment and BAM there you have it.
Its also way cool that my first one was taught to me and was in the presence of the pro that gives me the most inspiration.
So here is how it all went down...The convention had a pole jam in the afternoon so I decided to go and meet some new people. I had no idea how many awesome ladies would be in there.Some from Michigan,Wisconsin,LA,Illinois,Kentucky etc. Along with the awesome ladies I met, Karol Helms and Michelle Mynx were also in there doing pole and helped baby polers such as myself.
Both of these women were kind, patient, and full of knowledge.The best part is that they were willing to share. So in a way I got an extra 2 hour workshop for free...heck yeah!
I LOVE NEW FACES AND FRIENDS! Networking is vital!
I LOVE NEW FACES AND FRIENDS! Networking is vital!
This was right after my Advanced tricks class. And yep thats Estee Zakar. If you have been living under a rock and dont know who that is, here is a video of her crazy strong self.
I learned amazing stretches,
Here are some more pictures from
This is the other Lindsey...Lindsey Kimura of Be Spun in LA. Such a sweetie! OH! and check out that new X-Pole 40 mm!
This is my group of friends from Studio Venus that were able to attend the convention. My instructor Karen was there with us as well that day but I didnt catch her in the pic. That is Alex, Teresa, Jennifer and myself..note the new Alethea Austin shirt im sporting!
Speaking of Alethea Austin...I did not get the chance to talk to her again because I didnt wanna be "that guy". "Those guys" are the chicks that run up to these girls and dont leave them alone while they are trying to talk to somebody else and are super rude. I guess its easy to get carried away but some girls I saw had no filter ,but I suppose when your a pro it comes with the tittle.Some of the "big girls" as I call them were cool about it and some you could tell were like ughhh not again!
I also did not get the chance to talk to leigh Ann Reilly.
This is Amy Guion and myself. Another awesome pro.
Some Majestical Pole bites for ya!
knee..how the heck did I do this one??
The Great Midwest Pole competition and Convention was a success, despite a few super minor glitches that are expected it was a complete success. I will be buying the weekend VIP pass for 2013. Thanks to all who made this happen!
My next blog is going to be something different...may or may not be a video..brace yourself! :)
My next blog is going to be something different...may or may not be a video..brace yourself! :)
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